Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why I Study Japanese

When I was very little, I went to a Japanese nursery school where everyone was Japanese. I remember speaking a little bit (thus the title of my blog) but I remember almost nothing besides some fruits, colors, the titles of my family members -- I still sometimes call my mom and dad おかあさ and おとうさん -- and phrases that I generally said a lot when I was little (おかえり!にんじんすきじゃない!). Though I've already fulfilled my requirements for my language, I want to relearn some of the Japanese that I learned when I was little. I'm excited to be able to read all the children's books in Japanese that still lie around the house, even though they're just picture books, and I'm excited to learn more about Japanese culture since I grew up in a very Japanese-centric neighborhood in New Jersey (right next to Mitsuwa :) ). All in all, while I don't think Japanese is a particularly difficult language (yet) I think the pace has been much faster than I imagined, which is quite a challenge since I work a part-time job in addition to my twenty credits of classes, but I really want to pull through with the language and learn as much as I can.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. こんにちは キームミンジ さん。わたしわ ジェ−ククォン です。わたしも コロンビア だいがくのがくせいです。どつぞょろしくおねがいします。
    Mistsuwa であなたわなにをたべますか。

  3. いつもうどんをたべます。とてもおいしです。いっしょにミツワへいきませんか。
